Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hello Internet.
This page has been open for the last half an hour while I was thinking of what to write, and with nothing coming to mind I though 'just start typing' and surely enough here I am.

I don't really know what to title this post, I have quite a few things on my mind but they don't all fit under one category. I'll probably split them into multiple posts, but hey this is just going to be a random post anyway!

Anyway for the last week I have been in Perth with my sister! She had surgery and is stuck in Perth so I visited to keep her sane. Don't know if it worked though. I can't remember the last time I kept someone sane.

I have decided I need to make an active want list! Just in the last couple hours I found three things that i really want, whether I save up for them myself, or someone buy them for me as presents, I need a list so I remember what they are! I guess if I can't remember what I want after a month or so it's not that important, but who cares! Keep an eye out for a my updated wish list in the future!

I may have just discovered a new musical artist to fall in love with. Like quite literally JUST discovered! Like while writing this post I randomly found one of his songs, thanks to Tumblr, and am already in love with his sound! Before I give you his name I have to admit I looked him up because someone associated one of his songs with Sterek on Tumblr! Anyway the artist name is Colton Dixon and his music is pretty damn good!

I'm trying to write a novel! Yep a full proper novel that will be published and available to the world, and oh my goodness it is harder that i thought. Like I new it was going to be hard, but the writers block is just atrocious! I really want to do it though, I am twenty and I look around at people I know and think I've really done nothing. I don't study, I haven't traveled outside of the county, I don't have a boyfriend or any ideas for the future and I spend most of my free time of my computer watching YouTube! So all I want to do is write this book! Have an accomplishment under my belt that I can fall back on when people start to treat me like I've done nothing with my life. Also because I've had this story in my head since I was 13 and want to share it with the world! 
I think I need to set myself a time limit though! Unless it may never happen, but what's a realistic time to write your first book in? two years? or more?
Omg but I have to bring this up, yesterday I was scrolling the Internets for a good novel writing software and I found one, but obviously don't have the money for it at the moment! It's called Writer's Block and it looks fantastic! but with currently only two dollars in my bank account, I will not be purchasing that any time soon! Must remember to add that to my wish list!
But again, as I type I may have just found another software called Scrivener! Which I am leaning towards! About to download the free trial!

Anyway, enough about that, this has been a long post and I'm sure you have better things to do!

Good Day!!

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