Saturday, February 8, 2014

I don't know what to say, there is so much in my brain but i just cant get it out!
First of all, I would like some appreciation for one of my awesome sisters
and her amazing talent in creativity.
For my birthday my sister made me a giant Teep Plush.
If you don't know who Teep is I suggest you watch these fine videos
Teep shows up eventually.
But just for current reference!

This here (above) is Teeps Minecraft skin
And this here, is my new plush!
How incredible is this!
Also can I ask you to take notice of his size!
This plush is sitting in my computer chair!
It's huge, almost bigger than my sister who made it!
So appreciate it! Because my sister deserves that at least.

I was going to talk about more.
Like how my social life has slumped
And some of my friends don't seem to care about me anymore.
But I'm not going to, because I'm already quite upset about it
and going on will just make it worse.
I think I just need a Mum day and I'll feel better
Now to find my Mum.

Dinosaur out

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