Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welcome to 2014.
A New Year yet again.
Honestly I don't know how I feel about it.
I guess there is no point in feeling good or bada bout it, because no matter what the year will progress.

I wish I was more excited for the new year.
I mean it's my birthday tomorrow and there is just no part of me that seems to care.
I'll be turning twenty, and I have the day off, but there are no plans for it.
Family are all going back to work tomorrow, so I'll probably just clean my room.
And I just got a text from someone I like, asking if i was doing something with everyone.
I said no, and now I am even sadder because I probably won't get the chance to see him.
All I want for my Birthday is for it to feel like my birthday.

Anyway, it is obvious I haven't blogged in a long while so this is just an update post.
I'm thinking of doing a 2013 in summary post, but not to sure as of yet.
A lot happened in 2013, many good and bad things.

Anyway, that's all for this post.
Dinosaur out!

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