Thursday, August 7, 2014

Exciting news everybody, thanks to aa good friend (my only friend left in this damn city) I have been introduced to the world of Postcrossing. An international postcard exchange. 

Pretty much you sign up, you choose to send a postcard, the sight sends you a registration number and an address and you send a post card! How Awesome is that!
Once you have sent the postcard I'm pretty sure postcards start getting sent to you! I can not wait to get my first postcard!

If you are interested feel free to join Postcrossing!

Speaking of posting things, I officially have a pen pal!! Recently one of my best friends {Kath} moved to Ireland after getting herself a job there, which is awesome! But we have decided we are going to stay in contact and write to each other. Like actual hand written letters! Like the good old days! 

I have to admit though I have very jealous of her, she is such a travel bug and she has no fear of new places like me. I mean only in the last two years has she, Kontiki toured Europe and gone to South America and done the whole tour!! And now Ireland one of the places I want to visit most! It's just so beautiful there! 
{Que random images}


Side note, sorry about not being around for a while, I shall update you all on my life soon!

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